Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body to utilize glucose completely or partially. It is characterized by raised glucose concentration in the blood and alterations in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism. This can be due to failure in the formation of insulin or liberation or action. The revised WHO figures for the year 2025 is 57.2 million
diabetics in India.
- • Frequent urination (polyuria)
- • Extreme hunger(polyphagia)
- • Frequent thirst (polydipsia)
- • Unexplained weight loss (Type 1)
- • Obesity (Type 2)
- • Slow-healing sores
- • Frequent infections
- • High blood pressure 140/90
- • Weakness
- • Coma
Our eating habits and sedentary lifestyle cause obesity, Chronic metabolic disorders that prevent the body to utilize the glucose completely or partially. you can do at home to prevent diabetes or reduce it if you already are affected by it. Eat healthy foods. Choose foods lower in fat and calories and higher in fiber. Focus on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Get more physical activity.
TYPE 1-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
There is usually sudden onset and occur in younger age groups and there is an inability of the pancreas to produce an adequate amount of insulin. This may be caused by virus infection or due to autoimmunity, Genetics, acute stress, surgery, physical injury, diet. The child is usually underweight. Acidosis is fairly common.
Indians are more insulin resistant even at lower levels of BMI.
TYPE 2-Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
Insulin may be produced by the pancreas but the action is impaired. This form occurs mainly in adults and the person is usually overweight Acidosis is infrequent. The majority of patients improve with weight loss and maintained on diet therapy.
Gooseberry/amla juice too cuts the blood sugar levels. This contains vitamin C that helps in lowering bad cholesterol levels in your body.
Bitter gourd
Having bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach has proved to prevent diabetes. lf anyone does not like to drink bitter gourd juice, fry them like chips and have them as a snack. or make them into a pill take 2 pills with water before a meal in a day.
Fenugreek seeds (Methi)
Soak a few seeds (1/4 tsp) of methi in water overnight. Gulp down the methi along with the water on an empty stomach early in the morning.
Mango leave
Dry the leaves. Make them into powder. Mix 2 spoon with water or milk. Drink it before your breakfast in the morning. Try every day for about three months to see any visible result to treat diabetes as well as asthma. It is because of the leaf abundant in nutrients.
which ultimately lowered their blood sugar levels, compared to those who were not.
Eating peanuts and peanut products may help lower the overall risk of diabetes. Daily in the morning and evening 15 to 20 days adding peanuts and peanut butter to your diet may be beneficial to control your blood sugar throughout the day. One reason that peanuts may help control blood sugar is that they contain a large amount of magnesium, Peanuts may also help lessen the insulin spike of higher Glycemic index (GI) foods. It has a low glycemic index.
- • promote weight loss
- • lower the risk of cardiovascular disease
- • control blood sugar
Foods to be avoided
Simple sugars like glucose, honey, syrup, sweets, dried fruits, cakes, candy, fried foods, alcohol, nuts, jaggery, sweetened juices, fats, cola drinks, artificial sweeteners, junk foods, white rice or white flour, white bread, sweetened tea or coffee, canned vegetables with lots of sodium, canned fruit with heavy sugar, etc.
Foods permitted
Wheat is more nutritious as it is richer in protein, fibers, and B-vitamins. Without oil, chapatis are better for diabetes patients or otherwise use olive oils.
Whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, quinoa, millet, or amaranth, baked sweet potato.
Green leafy vegetables, all fresh fruits give carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber except banana. Most are naturally low in fat and sodium.
Lemon, clear soups, onions, mint, eggs, spices, salads, plain coffee or tea, skimmed and buttermilk, low-fat yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, and seafood, beans, nuts, or tofu.