Creamy Alkaline Almond Milk


50g almonds or sliced almonds
(soak them for a few hours beforehand)
1 liter of filtered water
1 tsp sunflower lecithin (optional)
2 medjool dates (optional)
Few drops of vanilla extract (optional)


Time: 8 minutes

Calories: 350 calories total –

makes 1 liter
Put all the ingredients in your high-speed blender and blend for
1-2 minutes. Pour the milk through a straining cloth and into a
container. Store the milk in the fridge – it will keep for up to 3 days.
You can use the almond pulp left over in the straining cloth to add
into cake or brownie mixes.

Nutritional Benefits

Much healthier than cow’s milk as it has no casein or hormones.

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