Natural Ways to Lose Weight

•Lemon water in the morning 1/2 lemon + 1 glass of water fills you with energy and speeds up metabolism.

•Green tea during the day 1-2 cups gets rid of dangerous abdominal fat.

•Apple cider vinegar in the evenings 1-2 tsp of apple cider vinegar + 1 glass of water speeds up metabolism and fight infection.

•Cleaning your teeth after eating toothpaste or mouthwash helps you avoid too many snacks.

•Physical activity 30-40 minutes a day burns fat and gives the body a beautiful shape.

•Non-carbonated water 0.5 L daily helps the intestinal tract to work.

•No pre-cooked food sugar or harmful additives.

•Sleep 7-8 hours a day stabilizes body functioning and burns fat.

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  1. Saad says...


  2. Nnivi says...

    Lemon juice amazing

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