Benefits Of Walking In Weight Loss

How much you need to walk to lose weight?
Walking Is Better Than Any Workout:
•It strengthens the heart and blood vessels
•It burns fat
•It Works for All the muscle groups.
Walking Technique:
•Go slowly (for 10 min.)-this warms up the muscles and primes the heart.
•Increase the tempo – fat is burned already after 20 min. in the end, reduce the tempo.
Keep An Eye On Your Body:
•Shoulders relaxed
•Back straight
•Stomach is drawn in.
•Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.
•Steps: From your heel to your toes.
•Begin with shorter walks, Gradually increasing their length, and then your speed.
•Keep Track of your Pulse. Out of breath? Reduce your tempo.
November 20, 2018