Banana can eat after Work-Out

Not sure what to eat after a work-out?


If eaten within 15 minutes post-exercise, the banana will be stored as glucose for energy later, NOT a fat.

Bananas contain a fair amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium-sized banana (118 grams) also boasts.

Potassium: 9% of the RDI

Vitamin B6: 33% of the RDI

Vitamin C: 11 of the RDI

Magnesium: 8% of the RDI

Copper: 10% of the RDI

Manganese: 14% of the RDI

Net carbs: 24 grams

Fiber: 3.1 grams

Protein: 1.3 grams

Fat: 0.4 grams

Each banana has only about 105 calories and consists almost exclusively of water and carbs. Bananas hold very little protein and almost no fat.

Comments Banana can eat after Work-Out

  1. Afridi says...

    its amazing

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