Natural Treatment For Hernia Without Surgery

A hernia is defined as a bulging organ or fatty tissue through a soft or weak spot in the abdomen. Some facts about hernia which you must know.

A hernia doesn’t cause any signs and symptoms initially. With time, the individual is likely to experience nausea, chest pain, unable to swallow food, acid reflux, etc.
Both males and females can develop a hernia. However, men are prone to developing a hernia, especially an inguinal hernia.

When the individual stands up, coughs, or bends, the bulge can be felt in the affected area.

Delaying the treatment of a hernia can lead to complications that can be life-threatening.

Doctors diagnose a hernia simply by feeling or looking at the bulge in the affected area.
After a hernia is diagnosed, medical attention is always advised. Fortunately, there are several natural treatments as well as some lifestyle changes that can provide relief from symptoms of hernia without any surgery.

 Natural treatments for hernia without surgery

If someone is diagnosed with a hernia, following natural treatment can help in getting relief from the symptoms of the hernia:

 Castor seed oil

This particular oil addresses stomach problems. Castor oil helps to inhibit inflammation inside the stomach and promotes proper digestion. Hence, prepare a castor seed oil pack and place it on the stomach to soothe the pain as well as swelling near the affected area.

Aloe vera juice

This is beneficial for easing out some of the symptoms of hernia due to its anti-inflammatory and soothing abilities. Even on a regular basis, people consume aloe vera juice for health benefits. Moreover, to lower the risk of developing a hernia, you can consume this juice before every meal.

Ice packs

When you suffer from a hernia, there can be inflammation and pain in the abdomen. Ice packs trigger contraction when applied to the affected area and reduce inflammation inside the body. In addition to this, these often give relief from the pain and bloating.

Ginger root

Consume concentrated ginger juice or raw ginger to sort relief the pain and discomfort in your stomach. It boosts your health system at the same time. It restricts the stomach from producing gastric juices which generally occur during hiatal hernia.

Black pepper

Black pepper is more than just an added flavor. It stimulates healing in those parts of the body which have been compromised when the organ began to push through the cavity wall. It can also suppress acid reflux which can help to cure the swollen region of a hernia.

Lose weight

Obese people are at a higher risk of suffering from a hernia. Obesity is one of the factors that can slow down the healing process. Losing weight helps to improve body posture and puts the body under less physical strain. Therefore when diagnosed with a hernia, start taking small meals and the symptoms may disappear naturally.

 Diet alert

Spicy food, acidic food, and food difficult to digest should be avoided strictly. The main reason is that this food can further inflame the stomach lining, making it more difficult to heal.

List of food items to eat when suffering from a hernia-

Cabbage juice
Carrot juice
Almonds and chia seeds
Soy milk
Almond milk
Carrots and peas
Sweet potatoes
Green beans
High-fiber foods such as oatmeal, whole grains, beans, and legumes
Non-citrus foods such as apples, pears, various melons, and berries
Green tea
Lean protein

Try yoga to reduce stress

Another major factor that contributes to the formation of hernia is stress. Excessive stress can put more strain on your metabolism as a whole. Some stress-reducing activities include yoga, meditation, massage, and the use of essential oils and aromatherapy. Evidently, the following yoga asanas can provide relief-

Uddiyana Bandha

Say no to strenuous exercises

One of the main causes of hernia is strenuous exercise or overexertion. If you are engaged in heavy exercises, cut back and perform easy workouts. People who have suffered from hernia before should refrain from lifting heavy weights. Some of the following exercises can help reduce the hernia-

Try walking in a pool and completing 4-5 laps
Lie on a mat and cycle your legs
Go for brisk walks for at least 30 mins every day

Vegetable juice

One of the most effective natural treatments is a glass of vegetable juice – carrot, spinach, onions, broccoli, and kale. The nutrients and anti-inflammatory nature of vegetables help to soothe the burning and painful symptoms caused due to hernia.

There are different types of hernias

inguinal (inner groin)
femoral (outer groin)
umbilical (belly button)
incisional (resulting from an incision)
hiatal (upper stomach) hernia
Out of all these types, umbilical hernia is the most common and typically harmless. Although these are easily treatable, they can become severe on rare occasions.

In adults, overweight people or women who had multiple pregnancies are more likely to develop hernias. A hernia does not cure away on its own. Only surgery can repair a hernia.

Natural treatment can only help in easing umbilical hernia conditions in adults. Infants and newborns are not liable for this natural treatment. Therefore, the last resort to treat umbilical hernia is surgery, either open or laparoscopic surgery.

Hernia in adults

Open surgery: In open surgery, the surgeon cuts open the site and repairs the hernia using mesh, and stitches the weakened muscles together. As the incision made is large, it takes longer for the patient to recover.

Laparoscopic surgery: The surgeon makes small incisions using a camera-mounted device known as a laparoscope, so that mesh and sutures can pass through them. After laparoscopic surgery for a hernia, the patient can go home within 24 hours of the surgery after staying under the doctor’s observation.

Important Tips

Your doctor may ask you to wait and observe if your hernia is small and doesn’t bother you. If you strain yourself and feel the sudden onset of hernia pain, it is advisable to see a medical professional as early as possible.

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