Meal Plan for Detox Diet During Breastfeeding

Detox is a natural way of cleansing your body of unwanted toxins and water. Many medical practitioners of alternative medicine strongly recommend detoxification diets. Detoxification while breastfeeding is not advised. However, one does not have to give up the idea. It Is normal for a woman to put on weight during pregnancy, and even after birth and breastfeeding, it could be difficult to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. One of the fastest ways to lose weight is by going on a detox.


Sample Meal Plan For a Detox Diet.

This menu contains up to 2000 calories that are ideal for a nursing mother.


  • ½ cup of fresh fruits
  • ½ cup of cooked oatmeal with flax seeds, almond milk, and dates
  • 1-2 hard-boiled or poached pasteurized eggs
  • A cup of herbal tea

Morning Snack

  • ¼ cup raw, unsalted nut mix
  • One fruit
  • Approximately 24 ounces of water by mid-morning


  • ½ cup cooked brown rice
  • A large bowl of green salad with veggies with olive oil/lemon juice dressing and ½ avocado
  • 4 ounces of sautéed or grilled lean meat or poultry or fatty fish
  • Herbal tea or fresh fruit or vegetable juice

Afternoon Snack

  • Sliced veggies
  • ½ cup natural hummus
  • 48 ounces of water by late afternoon


  • ½ cup quinoa, buckwheat, or cooked brown rice
  • Sautéed or roasted vegetables in coconut oil
  • 4 ounces of grilled or sautéed lean meat or fatty fish
  • Approximately 72 ounces of water


  • Slice gluten-free toast with almond butter
  • Two tablespoons of fermented coconut probiotic drink with water

Foods to Eat on a Detox Diet

Below are the detox food and detox drinks while breastfeeding that one can consume:

  • Organic or pasteurized lean meat and eggs
  • Beef, bison, or lamb fed on grass
  • Salmon, mackerel, and halibut
  • Organic cooking oil, fruits, and vegetables
  • Organic, gluten-free grains and products like crackers, tortillas
  • Filtered water, fresh juices, and herbal detox tea, and breastfeeding go hand in hand

Foods to Avoid on a Detox Diet

The foods that one must avoid on a detox diet are:

  • Sugar and sugary products like candies, cookies, biscuits
  • Dairy products like cheese ( even goat, and sheep)
  • Food high in salt
  • Wheat or gluten products
  • Coffee, tea, soda, and alcohol
  • Corn and corn products
  • Soya and soya products
  • Foods with preservatives

Side Effects of a Detox Diet During Breastfeeding

Following a detox diet could have some side effects, especially for a nursing mother. It would help to speak to a doctor because a lactating mother needs to be careful of her health. A child on breast milk may be affected by anything that affects the mother. A healthy lifestyle is the easiest way to detox your body naturally. Avoid any fad diets to lose weight. The best method would be to let your body heal before getting into any regime. Focus on nurturing your baby even when you start on a detox diet. Keep the motto of healthy food and minimum calorie intake in your mind.

Detoxing while breastfeeding may seem like a daunting task. It is not impossible. First, seek the advice of your doctor, see how you feel about starting a detox diet, and chalk a plan—research what you can eat and what you can eliminate without compromising on calorie intake and nutrition. Try to strike this delicate balance of getting the maximum benefit for both you and your baby.

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