Why Don’t People Eat Wheat Grain?

People do eat wheat grain, although it is more commonly consumed in processed forms such as flour, bread, pasta, and other baked goods. Wheat grain can be eaten as a whole grain, either cooked or sprouted, and is a good source of fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals.
One reason why some people may not eat wheat grain is due to dietary restrictions or allergies. For example, people with celiac disease or non-celiac gluten sensitivity cannot consume wheat or other gluten-containing grains. Additionally, some people may avoid wheat for personal or religious reasons.
Another reason why wheat grain may be less commonly consumed is that it can be time-consuming to prepare and cook. It may also be less convenient than more processed forms of wheat, such as flour or bread.
Overall, while wheat grain may not be as commonly consumed as other forms of wheat, it can still be a nutritious and delicious part of a balanced diet.