Things To Do And Avoid To Have Quality Sleep

Things to Do

Regular physical exercise
Take a warm bath or shower. It speeds up the body’s temperature changes and sends a signal to your brain to go to sleep.
Adequate exposure to sunlight during the day
Darken your bedroom before sleeping. It helps produce melatonin.
Lower the room temperature a little. A too warm environment might make it difficult to fall asleep.
Your clothes, mattress, and pillow should be comfortable.
Sleep at the same time every day. This will keep the body’s internal clock disciplined to know when it’s time to sleep.
Practice yoga or meditation before going to bed or during the day.
Listen to soft, spa, or relaxing music
Read a physical paper book. (Avoid reading an e-book, the light of which can cause you trouble sleeping.)
Practice deep breathing before sleeping.
Do nothing and relax for 30 minutes before going to bed.
Make a gratitude diary
Drink caffeine-free soothing tea like chamomile or lavender tea
Think of those things that boost your mood
Keep your phone at least 5 feet away from you while sleeping.

Things to Avoid

Avoid eating anything for at least 2 hours before going to bed. This will keep your blood sugar, insulin, and leptin hormone balanced.
Avoid eating fried, spicy, and heavy meals at dinner. This may cause indigestion giving you restless sleep.
Avoid calling or texting late at night.
Avoid checking the clock every now and then.
No TV, mobile phone, social media, or video games at least half an hour before going to bed.
Avoid having a nap for more than one hour during the day.
Avoid drinking caffeine or alcohol late in the evening.

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