Some Nutritious Snacks That Can be Enjoyed Throughout the Day?

There are many nutritious snacks that can be enjoyed throughout the day. Here are some options:

Fresh fruit: Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, and berries are all great choices.

Raw veggies: Carrots, celery, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and bell peppers are all easy to snack on.

Nuts and seeds: Almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and sunflower seeds are all high in healthy fats and protein.

Greek yogurt: This is a great source of protein, and you can add some fruit or nuts for extra flavor and nutrition.

Hummus: This is a tasty dip that’s made from chickpeas, and you can pair it with veggies, crackers, or pita bread.

Hard-boiled eggs: These are a great source of protein, and you can add some salt and pepper for flavor.

Cheese: Cheese is a good source of protein and calcium. You can pair it with crackers or sliced apples.

Trail mix: You can make your trail mix by combining nuts, seeds, dried fruit, and dark chocolate.

Remember to watch portion sizes and choose snacks that are nutrient-dense and not high in added sugars or unhealthy fats.

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