Grains For Diabetes

Individuals with diabetes are frequently encouraged by their doctors to carefully monitor their consumption of carbohydrates to prevent overwhelming the pancreas. But reducing carbs doesn’t mean eliminating them together. In fact, some grains can be healthy for people with diabetes

Here Are Some of The Whole Grains That May Help You Manage Diabetes:


Barley is rich in beta-glucan which aids in blood sugar management and helps in lowering bad cholesterol


Along with being rich in soluble fiber, it is rich in magnesium & protein. These components play a major role in blood glucose management.


Amaranth is a highly nutritious pseudo cereal that has superior protein content in comparison to other cereals. Amaranth is a great choice when comes to gluten-free options. It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties as well.


Ragi is an extremely nutritious millet, which resembles mustard in appearance. It helps in lowering bad cholesterol and is diabetes-friendly. It is a great weaning food for Toddlers


Bajra has a low glycemic index. Being fiber-rich, it can help in curing constipation and aids weight loss. Bajra has a higher iron content as compared to other cereals.


Jowar is rich in Vitamin K1 which plays a crucial role in blood clotting and bone growth. Bioactive phenolic compounds in Jowar help in reducing bad cholesterol. Highly resistant starch complexes assist in weight management by providing satiety and help in maintaining blood glucose levels.


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