Cure Thyroid Problem Permanently in 4 Steps (100% Guaranteed)
Step 1
Hypothyroidism Natural Treatment Permanently
Modern Science however says that thyroid problems cannot be cured they can only be managed. Stop depending on pills, Pills are not the solution.
Cure thyroid in 4 simple steps
1st Ayurvedic mixture
Cinnamon 100 g
Cumin seed 100 g
Fenugreek seeds 100g
Make into powder. Keep in a jar. Take one spoon before going to bed with warm water. Take it for a month. Your thyroid level will come to normal. Consume it before 30 minutes your breakfast.
2nd Ayurvedic mixture
Coriander seed 100 g
Ajwain Seed 100 g
Make into powder. Keep in an airtight glass jar. Take one spoon on an empty stomach with warm water. Take it for a month. Your thyroid level will come to normal. Consume it before 30 minutes your breakfast.
3rd Ayurvedic mixture
Ashwagandha powder 100g (easily available in markets)
Dried Margosa leaf (Dry Neem leaf) 100 g
Dried Ginger powder 100 g
Make into powder. Keep in a jar. Take one spoon on an empty stomach with warm water. Take it for a month. Your thyroid level will come to normal. Drink 30 minutes after dinner. Before you can go to bed.
Step 2
Every night massage your neck with 4 -5 drop of cold-pressed walnut oil.
Every day massage your neck with red onion juice.
Step 3
Very easy and super effective daily yoga exercise. Early in the morning or Evening Just 15 minutes. Do you have an excuse?
TANK VIDYA- 5 minutes: Long breath, exhale through left simultaneously move your neck up and down.
Ujjayi pranayama- 5 minutes: Close the mouth, start inhaling slowly and rhythmically, allow the air to pass through the constricted throat creating the friction sound.
SINGHASANA- 10 minutes: Sit like cat position. Open the mouth, tongue out like a dog. Allow the air to pass through the throat creating the friction sound. No Gym/Full body workout
Make sure to spend 15 minutes daily for these specific yoga exercises.
Step 4
Change your lifestyle and foods
Ditch processed and preservative foods. Eat homely cooked foods.
Avoid refrigerated foods. Practiced healthy plate method.
Avoid iodized refined salt. Instead, switch to rock salt (which naturally contain iodine)
Avoid soy products, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, peanut
Cut down tea and coffee.
Include iodine-rich foods:
Include Lentils, whole grains, bananas, dairy products, carrots are rich in iodine.
Eat raw onion as salad, Small size onion to be cut like apple slices and consumed immediately. Not to have anything for the next 30 min.
Eat fresh coconut as a snack. It is rich in lauric acid to heal the thyroid instantly. Eat fresh seasonal fruits daily.
Switch to homemade foods
Change your life style
Avoid the use of plastic, aluminum, non-stick cookware as much as possible
Switch to stainless steel, metal, and glass containers.
Start using clay, brass, and iron cook ware
Maintain proper sleep timing.
Try to remain stress-free.
Follow this 100% cure thyroid in 3 to 4 months successfully
This is my personal experience. I wish you good health.