Flax Seeds Protect The Heart & Greatly Reduce Cancer Risk

The Alpha-Linolenic acid helps Lower Cholesterol levels meaning cleaner arteries and less risk of a heart attack. Flax seeds are the best source of Lignans that have been found to shrink cancer tumors.
Flax seeds are the richest source of lignans on earth. It has lignan levels that are 100-800 times higher than any other plant source. Lignan has been shown in many studies to reduce the size of cancerous tumors in rats and mice and has been used with success in treating both breast and prostate cancer in humans. Lignans are thought to have antiangiogenic properties. This means they stop tumors from forming new blood vessels. The lignan content of flaxseed is thought to be over 800 times higher than that of other foods.
You can sprinkle whole flaxseed or ground flaxseed (better absorption with the ground) on top of soups, salads, in peanut/ nut butter, or parfaits/ chia pudding for added crunchiness and a nutty taste.
The high amounts of fiber prevent bad cholesterol from being absorbed into the body thus help lowers cholesterol according to a review in the Canadian Journal of Cardiology.
Flax is one of the oldest fiber crops in the world. It is known to have been cultivated in ancient Egypt and China. In Asia, it has played a role in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years.
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What a great information about flaxseed
Great job
Nice team work guys👌🏻Very informative too👍🏻
really very great message
Its gud for health
can you tell me which seed is flax seeds
I mean Hindi name of flaxseeds
Urdu name of flaxseed plz
Thanks for reaching out, Alsi Ka Beej in Urdu,
San ka beej in Hindi.