What is Stunting?

Stunting is a condition that occurs when a child’s growth and development are impaired due to malnutrition or other health problems. It is defined as being too short for one’s age and is typically measured using a height-for-age indicator.

Stunting is a result of chronic malnutrition, which means that a child is not receiving enough nutrients over a long period of time. This can occur due to inadequate intake of food or due to repeated infections and illnesses that prevent the body from absorbing and using nutrients properly. Stunting can also be caused by factors such as poor sanitation, inadequate access to healthcare, and poverty.

Stunting can have long-term effects on a child’s physical and cognitive development. Children who are stunted may be more likely to experience developmental delays, have lower cognitive function, and have a greater risk of chronic diseases later in life. Stunting can also have social and economic implications, as adults who were stunted as children may have reduced productivity and lower earning potential.

Preventing and addressing stunting requires a multi-sectoral approach that includes improving access to nutritious foods, promoting good health and hygiene practices, and addressing underlying social and economic factors such as poverty and inequality.

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