What are Some Foods that Naturally Contain Good Amounts of Probiotics (and Other Types of Live Cultures)?

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial to health and can be found naturally in many different foods. Here are some examples of foods that contain good amounts of probiotics and other types of live cultures:
Yogurt: This is perhaps the most well-known probiotic-rich food. Choose plain yogurt with active cultures to get the most benefit.
Kefir: This is a fermented dairy product that contains a mix of yeasts and bacteria. It has a tart and tangy taste, similar to yogurt.
Sauerkraut: This is a fermented cabbage dish that is often used in traditional European cuisine. It contains lactic acid bacteria, which are beneficial for gut health.
Kimchi: This is a Korean dish made from fermented vegetables, often including cabbage, radish, and onion. It is known for its spicy and sour taste and contains a mix of beneficial bacteria.
Miso: This is a Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, rice, or barley. It is often used to make soup and contains a range of probiotic bacteria.
Kombucha: This is a fermented tea beverage that is becoming increasingly popular. It contains a mix of bacteria and yeast and is often flavored with fruit or herbs.
Tempeh: This is a fermented soybean product that is often used as a meat substitute. It has a nutty taste and is high in protein and beneficial bacteria.
Incorporating these probiotic-rich foods into your diet can help support digestive health and boost your immune system. It’s important to choose foods that are naturally fermented and contain live cultures, rather than those that have been pasteurized or sterilized, as this can destroy the beneficial bacteria.