How Can You Eat a Green Mango Without Getting Sick or Feeling Nauseated?

Green mangoes are unripe and contain high levels of acid and astringent compounds that can cause nausea or stomach upset in some people. Here are some tips to help reduce these effects:
Choose ripe green mangoes: When buying green mangoes, look for those that are just starting to ripen, as these will have a lower acid content and will be less likely to cause nausea or stomach upset.
Eat with other foods: Eating green mangoes with other foods can help to balance the acid and astringent taste. Try eating them with rice, curries, or other neutral-tasting foods.
Use spices: Adding spices such as salt, chili powder, or lime juice to green mangoes can help to balance the taste and reduce the astringent flavor.
Gradually increase consumption: Start with a small amount of green mango and gradually increase your consumption over time as your body adjusts to the taste.
Peel and remove the seed: The skin and seed of green mangoes can contain higher levels of astringent compounds, so peeling and removing the seed before eating can help reduce the risk of nausea or stomach upset.
It’s important to note that some people may still experience discomfort even when following these tips, so it’s best to listen to your body and avoid consuming large amounts of green mangoes if they cause any adverse effects.