Fat Loss Mistakes

Common FAT loss Mistakes we all make!⁣⁣

Here are some common mistakes we all make that can halt or even reverse our progress⁣⁣

Eating too less

The restriction will either lead to overeating in the end or metabolism destruction. It can also create nutrition deficiency and can lower your immunity.

Skipping meals⁣⁣

Probably the most common mistake people make when trying to lose weight is by skipping meals. It might seem logical at first: But skipping meals not only slows down your metabolism but it also makes you much more likely to snack and overeat later in the day⁣⁣

Only doing cardio

Having higher muscle mass increases your metabolism, which results in a more effective burning of calories. Not to mention, weight training sessions burn just as much, if not more calories than cardio sessions.

Not keeping track

Caloric awareness is incredibly important for fat loss. Most people don’t have a clue how many calories they’re consuming with every meal/food item. Tracking your food and knowing the exact amount of calories consumed is the most effective way to go.

Consuming liquid calories⁣⁣

Liquids like sodas and fruit juices seem so small to impact our journey, right? But it does. They contain a significantly higher amount of calories as compared to solid food, and they do not make you feel satiated. The calories from liquids are also quick to get digested, so the body absorbs the high amount of calories easily, making it harder for you to lose weight⁣⁣

Little whole foods

Stick to whole, single-ingredient foods as much as possible. This means foods from nature that have not been processed in any way. Consuming sufficient nutrients and vitamins is crucial to keep your energy and health up when in a caloric deficit.

Consuming so-called ‘health foods’⁣⁣

A lot of companies falsely advertise their product as being healthy, but Products like protein bars and fruit juice are often packed with unhealthy ingredients like saturated fats and added sugar. Low-fat and fat-free foods are often loaded with sugar and other additives to improve their taste. For example, a fat-free flavored yogurt can contain as much sugar as a chocolate bar. ⁣⁣

Weighing yourself too often⁣⁣

While weighing yourself every day will not directly hinder weight loss, it can lead to a lot of frustration. The actual number on the scales can be affected by different reasons from day today. When you don’t see the results you want to see on the scales, you might get discouraged and binge eats, which could set your weight loss journey way back.⁣⁣

Insufficient protein

Protein is necessary for muscle retention and recovery, which makes it crucial when losing fat. It also helps reduce cravings and the desire for snacking. Make sure at least 30% of your calories are allocated to protein.

Not getting enough sleep⁣⁣

Sleep deprivation leads to the levels of leptin (the “fullness hormone”) plummeting down while ghrelin (the “hunger hormone”) gets overproduced. As a result, you’ll always feel hungry. Besides, the less sleep you’re getting, the more you crave high-fat and high-carb foods which can lead to weight gain.

This is also one of the reasons for not losing fat!
Your sleeping patterns influence your hormones and critical weight loss functions like your metabolism and appetite regulation. Seven to eight hours each night is ideal, so try not to sleep significantly less or more. So please maintain your sleeping Pattern.

Starving Yourself

One of the worst mistakes I see people doing. This only leads to the yo-yo effect and is also extremely unhealthy for your overall health.

Hating your current body

We all have a certain goal body But, Hating your body will get you nowhere. In fact, increase your stress, and eventually, your cortisol levels will shoot up and hence the hormonal imbalance.

This body has helped you survive so far, the least you can do is deal with your body with all the kindness and love.

Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectations only lead to unhappiness and wanting to quit. Keep in mind that fat loss takes time. Enjoying the process and not stressing yourself is key to success.
Make sure your journey doesn’t involve extreme measures for weight loss. It has to be balanced & for that, you need to avoid these mistakes

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